I don't mean to be a jerk, but...
This was not such a good collab. Everything was so flat and boring. A lot of the parts were extremely choppy, with the exception of XRaider and LLL. The rest of the parts weren't good at all. A lot of the graphics used were just blatant rips from spritesheets, it took forever for the guys to kill each other, it wasn't funny at ALL, the menu was poorly scripted, the credits were incomplete, all of the character positioning and modelling was completely off. The different perspectives of shooting were horribly done, wrong head views were used, and seriously fucking gay recoil. Most of the movement was very choppy and very very fucking hard to watch. Nearly everything was misplaced, quite a few things were ripped, and the only reason this got a good score is because of the 100 page topic in the forums. This was no where near to my expectations, and although you guys "worked" hard, all you made was a eye torturing train wreck.
Sorry to say it, I really am. I'm not being a jerk or anything, because I'm no Krinkels. I suck.
There is serious, massive room for improvement in this collab. Hopefully the next one would live up to something good?