Massive improvement from your other work. Keep it up, man!
Massive improvement from your other work. Keep it up, man!
Wow your not dead! And thankyou sir. You have improved massivly also.
This is seriously a great impression of my gay series. Thanks for doing this, I had a good laugh.
I guess I'll release the last pile of shit some time.
Haha, I'm glad you took it so well.
I love your stuff though, I really do. I just couldn't resist.
Look, buddy...
When I opened this animation link, I expected to find a semi-decent tribute with some minimal amounts of effort. But what do I see? I see a guy with a head band and spinach splattered all over his face hover into a room, get sucked through a ceiling, and extend his arms 20 feet in the air to jump a 20 story building. At to top that, it was literally 10 seconds long. Your first two backgrounds were from the Madness Interactive spritesheet, and your second background was poorly rendered by you. Look, I'm giving you an honest review. I just find it very hard to believe that you even consider this an episode. Don't tell me to wait for Episode 2, because I don't think you've left a good impression on me to watch it. I don't see any plot either. Can you tell me what sort of a plot was in that? This is what I've understood from the movie:
Man hovers in a room.
Gets sucked into a ceiling.
Extends his arm.
Jumps a building.
Can you PLEASE tell me where the plot is in that? You honestly need to put a LOT more effort in your movies, actually make them 1-2 minutes long, and stream your music! The only reason this was 3.8 mb was because you just put Cheshyre's song in as an Event and used the entire song for a 10 second animation. You need to improve before you submit your stuff into the portal. How about next time you put some effort into it? Make it longer, practice Frame-by-Frame movements, use layers, and draw right.
You will probably respond saying "Shut up idiot i put effort into it wait for episode 2 ur so stupid."
Well, I gave you a full-on, 1 page, honest review.
Please try again. More effort into your "work".
I would be pretty impressed if you actually read all of that stuff anyway.
~Hope you put my advice into consideration.
Its going to be a series.
The real creator is KennedyKrew.
PM him.
Made me immediately vote 5 and 10/10. And this IS your best animation to date.
~I demand more.
o hey guys, and i hate madness so i'm not making more
Hey, woah!
Pretty good collab, guys. It worked out well. NinjaP00s part was the bomb. But everyone else did just as well.
~Fucking A. Splurgle
^_^ Thanks Splurgle.
Extremely stylish! I loved this movie, seriously. Good music, stylish kills, unique style, the entire package! Great tribute, man. It was totally awesome.
Lol, lies, this was too rushed to be that awsome.
This was a fabulous addition to your series.
It's a great film. What amazes me more is that you made it in Flash 5. That is incredible. I really credit you for your skill, and I have a feeling there will be more, because after the credits, there's a scene that is sort of a cliffhanger for the next movie. You are awesome, this would leave us satisfied long enough for the next one to come out.
The thing in the end is just a little easter egg, nothing more. I will not continue this storyline.
However, I am already planning Bunnykill 4.
A TooF worthwhile!
I'll say! This is a pretty good submission, and it was one of the only TooF's with a plot. I am actually looking forward to a sequel! ^_^
And I'll look forward to making a sequel :D I really wanted to get back into storytelling...not just random nonsense...I think that kinda wore TooF out.
It's a start.
I guess it hasn't been done before, but hey, you're trying. That counts. You have potential, dude. Just keep practicing and I guarantee you'd be better in time.
2/5 ~Splurgle
Hmm, above average review but below average vote, strange score logic, but thanks for the feedback, bro'. I'm repairing the cons of the full thing right now as I speak, so yeah, don'r need to worry about the full thing being sucky there, son. ;)
Lol, I just couldn't help it.
Your little shorts were great. Your FBF is nearly perfect. Your humor is disney-like. (Seriously, the first one was like something Disney would do.) I just had to review this movie, because I can see you have plenty of talent. I just wish you'd put it to another full-length movie.
(PS, you advertised your site a little too much, I paid it a visit just for you!)
LOL, I didn't mean to advertise too much, I just sort of place the website because some people tend to take your flash and post it in some website without consulting, so if they did, my website would at least be mentioned. and for full length movies, we're working on 2 of 'em ;)
Joined on 4/10/06