Aw. how sweet.
LOL, how ya doing? Good luck with ME5... I dunno if I should reveal the full name yet... -_o
Joined on 4/10/06
Aw. how sweet.
LOL, how ya doing? Good luck with ME5... I dunno if I should reveal the full name yet... -_o
Thanks for <3 ing me.
And you and alpha are really working on this together? Nice, with both animation skills combined, who knows what you can accomplish
He made like a 600 frame link, he touched up the eliminator, he created 2 head views, and I guess that's it. Am I missing something?
Lol, i found your profile becuase i looked through my first PMs to give me memories of being a noob, i saw that PM you sent me :)
I'll add you. =]
You dont like the guys are spamming the portal but you like TheStarSyndicate rofl!i will kill you with a spam/sprite/tweened/scene creator flash >=D
-Antoine, the guy who wanted to be so friendly with you </3
PS: I dont fucking care if my english is bad
Stop posting here. I don't give half a rat's ass what you do.
Hey Splurgle!
I love too much your elimination série :D
hi keep working on madness flashes =)
P.S.ME5RE is going to be on madness day?
A week before Madness day. It's a killer project. =]
Hai splurgle. =D
Good luck with 5RE.
=D Thanks!
[He made like a 600 frame link, he touched up the eliminator, he created 2 head views, and I guess that's it. Am I missing something?]
Pipe room, chainsaw'd head, ending ideas, several bloods, ferrari 3/4 view, mutilated hands. And I think there might still be more.
Sorry, I have such a huge ego. XD
yo surgle your awsome your flash madness moveis are high score i love to watch your madness movies again and again:D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
=] thanks for loving, hope elimination 5 RE comes out good. Are you gonna make more elimination after 5? cause if you do, make the eliminator go after another person, just a suggestion.
the madness elimination series is great, will there be a #6, cus that would be pretty good, tell me if there will be
OOOOHHHH!!!! IT'S SO NICE!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Wait, are you seriously 15?
Make a new post and give us all a teaser/update.
Wouf!do not forget to give some food im hungrey!
-Ur dog
Splurgle. Someone submitted a spam ME5RE, if you haven;t noticed.
Anyway, yeah, someone submitted a phony ME5RE. Can't wait for you too submit the real one today.
(This being inferno from
thx 4 the whole "luv u" thing.I luv ur flashes!!!bye!!